Trials In Tainted Space Thyvara

'Since I am so, ehh, gifted, I rarely found occasion to dine on pillow.”
Black Market Dealer
FamilySeveral Grandchildren
ChildrenFalia (Daughter)
Dozens of Other Children
NationalityAnat Empire
LocationZheng Shi

Trials in Tainted Space or if you want to call it, TITS is an erotic text-based game from the people that brought to us the very naughty Corruption of Champions. For most people, Trials in Tainted Space is a game that they will fire up, play for about five minutes and just shut off. Forums Adult Games Trials in Tainted Space Event Submissions Submitted Thyvara abandoned camp xpac Discussion in ' Event Submissions ' started by Redknight910, Oct 4, 2020. Re: Trials in Tainted Space: a new game by Fenoxo! By nmnm195 Fri Jan 31, 2014 3:07 pm i would like to say thanks for the link and i would like to say thanks for this site because i would Trials. Help me out or ask a question about the game project: You must be 18 years old to visit this site. Please verify your age.


Vulriks is a Black Market Dealer located on Zheng Shi’s Residential Deck. He is an Anat who specializes is fencing stolen goods, and finding buyers for seemingly anything.


Stepping back, you properly take in the sight of the Anat before you.

Vulriks is tall, even by the standards of his species. You suspect if he was standing straight he’d be well over 7 feet tall, however he is perpetually hunched over, likely a combination of his alien biology and a lifetime of poor posture. Like the rest of his kind, his face is covered by a natural mask, a plate of bone-white material, covered with intricate etchings. Hidden just behind his face covering, visible through two natural slits, you see he has two bright and expressive blue eyes, which seem to always be watching you closely.

He keeps his hands on the counter, his flesh rough and dark red, both capped with four white, predatory claws, similar to his mask in composition. The rest of his arms are otherwise covered, long loose sleeves coming down to his wrists. A long black, hooded cloak hides the rest of his hereditary traits, keeping his head plumage well concealed. Just under the shroud, you can tell Vulriks is wearing some sort of armor, which given his line of work and current residence, seems like a smart idea. Despite being mostly covered up, you can tell he has a lithe and muscular body, although you get the impression he may be out of shape by Anatae standards.

His lower half is harder to judge. You can tell he has two digitigrade legs concealed by his cloak, and when he shifts his weight you hear a pair of heavy boots scuff the floor. On his hip you notice a rather odd blaster, unusually modded, and definitely illegal. Just under his pants you spot a noticeable bulge, telling you the Anat is packing some other serious heat.

History/Personality/Information of Note

Vulriks is a black market dealing Anat from the Anat Empire. He specializes in selling various things from outside sources back into the Anat Empire to satisfy the vices of the other per. The Anat Government, greatly disapproves of such things as selling unauthorized wares and items is seen as an attempt to undermine the Anatae economy. Moreover, selling certain things such as porn or used panties can be seen as selling citizens mindless and unproductive distractions. As, such Porn, Panties, and Sex Toys are the most popular products that he can sell; Rest assured if you give him anything, he will find someone else he can sell it to.

The popularity of sexual paraphernalia stems from an ongoing problem with a disproportionate number of males to females in the Anatae race. While it is easy to overlook Vulriks' selling of contraband, the real reason why he's on the run from the Empire is his daughter Falia. Because of the shortage of females, the Anatae Government has mandated that the majority of females be turned in to the custody of the government and serve as brood mothers for the continuation of the species when they reach adulthood. Falia did not desire this fate, and so against the wishes of the Empire, Vulriks attempted to smuggle the only child he ever loved outside of the Empire and into the Galactic Confederacy. Unfortunately, he failed; both were captured with Falia consigned to a life of breeding and Vulriks being sent to prison.

Eventually, he did manage to escape after a few years and has found refuge on the pirate haven of Zheng Shi, where he has continued his profession of catering the the shameful desires of the other males in the empire.

Vulriks is a mostly professional, old-soul with an awkward personality due to lack of complete understanding of social cues and customs outside of the Empire. He is a very hung stud with a silver fox thing going on.


Vulriks can be encountered on Recreation Deck in his shady looking shop. Being a fugitive from the incredibly war-like Anat Empire, he is professional but also suspicious. Most of his interactions are bared behind the player needing to build a history of doing business with him. That way, if you are a bounty hunter, he can incriminate you as well for illegal trade. After, selling 5,000 credits worth of stuff to Vulriks, he becomes willing to talk at lengths with the Captain Steele and potentially even have sex with them.


Right now, Vulriks cannot sell anything to the player, he can how ever buy literally any item at 60% of its base price, unless the base price is extremely low like 1 or 0, in which case he will buy the item for 1 credit. The ability to buy stuff from him may come in the future.


As stated above, Vulriks will only talk to the player if they have sold 5,000 Credits worth of items.

  • Buying Only - Ask Vulriks why he only buys stuff instead selling stuff.
  • Himself - Ask him about himself and his past.
    • PC must have seen Buying Only 1 to elect
  • Why here? - Ask him what he's doing on a place like Zheng Shi.
    • PC must have seen “Himself” to select
  • Posturing - Ask him about his slouching habits.
    • PC must have seen “Why here?” and have sex with Vulriks at least once to select
  • His Crime - Ask him about the crime he committed to get him in prison.
    • PC must have seen “Posturing” to select
      • Vulriks will only tell you about it if you promise to keep an open mind and not judge him for his actions.

Trials In Tainted Space Cheats


Considering the Sausage Party that is the Anat Empire, the popularity of Dickgirls and Hermaphrodites outside it, and the fact that Vulriks has been to actual prison; Vulriks has relatively low standards when it comes to whom he is willing to have sex with. However, after his prison days he has acquired a belief in which the one whom tops or 'The Alpha' should be the one physically larger and the one who 'Dines on Pillow' or bottoms is the smaller. Size being reference to both the length of phalli and physical height. If the player wants to top him, bear in mind that Vulriks stands at 90 inches tall and has a 21 inch penis. Being a Taur causes you to automatically lose the competition. Perfectly tying him in height and length causes the player to win. Additionally Vulriks has a limited Anal Capacity of about 31 inches.

'He Wins' Scenes:

  • Ass - Prepare your anus
    • No requirements
  • Pussy - Take you by the pussy
    • Requires a vagina

'You Win' Scenes:

  • Dom Him - Two can play at his game..
  • Let Him Lead - See where this is going..


  • Vulriks is the first Anat to not have been written by Nonesuch.
  • Vulriks' design and name is based on that of a vulture.
  • Unlike most Anatae that appear in the game, Vulriks' name and design is not derived from that of waterfowl indigenous to Africa.
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OccupationSpaceship Vendor


Focalor is a male CamarillaTove and lead ship vendor on planet Myrellion.


'A green-feathered Tove in a pristine white jacket makes up for his diminutive height by standing atop a haphazard collection of crates, bellowing that he has the best deals on ships anywhere.'

History/Personality/Information of Note

Trials In Tainted Space Cheat Codes

Being a Tove, Focalor values only one thing above all and that's the Almighty Credit. He is completely dedicated to obtaining a Wabeship and a mountain of wealth as quickly and easily as possible by any means necessary. By comparison to the other Ship Vendors, he lacks the passion that comes from enjoying the act of building, repairing, and seling Spaceships in favor of skipping steps one and two, and coming off as a desperate, fast-talking, used car salesman.


Trials In Tainted Space Thyvara

Focalor is a Ship vendor. However, he only sells ships that he has. He can't fit your ship with upgrades and weapons or even repair it. Though credit were credit be due, some of the ships he sells are the best in the game in terms of certain categories like storage space or shields.


You can buy ships from Focalor.

Name Sell Price (Credits)
Aegis MS-XI274999
Clydesdale K7329999
Sledgehammer Mark II439999


Aside from a brief introduction, Focalor has no unique or repeated Talk Scenes

Trials In Tainted Space Paige


Focalor, being a Tove has no sexual organs, much less sex scenes.


Focalor currently isn't relevant to any quests right now.

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Trials In Tainted Space Game

Ssis in visual studio. Focalor is the first Tove to be written by someone besides Frogapus, the race's creator.

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