Trials In Tainted Space Error 1065

  1. Trials In Tainted Space Error 1065
  2. Trials In Tainted Space Error #1065

A save editor for the game Trials in Tainted Space. TiTsEd allows you to edit your character's stats, and possibly other things in the future. Requires, at least, Windows XP (which means it also works with: Vista, 7, 8, and 10) and the.NET Framework 4 (full or client profile). Choose to study in the academic city of Cambridge or London, the UK’s vibrant capital. Describing Words. Understanding cryptography even solutions manual. Then, you don’t even need a muffin pan. Everyone is happy with a cupcake in their hand. Colorful, moist, delicious cupcakes, with extra frosting. Ano ang mga kasabihan sa sa aking kababata? In this post, we share 20 words to describe tastes and flavours. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

TypeDrug, Pill
Base Price3809
Defensive TargetSelf

A potent one-shot cosmetic transformative from VesperTech, a Terran biocorp that produces the Taurico line of drugs. Taurico Venidae is sometimes called Deerium by those too stupid - or too lazy - to remember its full name. Nevertheless, VesperTech’s marketing department has stuck by the original name for their venerable product. It promises a deer-like appearance, complete with antlers for males!

It comes in an easy to administer medipen.

a Taurico Venidae medipen.


  • Can be purchased from Gene at his shop on Myrellion.
  • Can be purchased from the Taur Vending Machine on Canadia Station.


Trials In Tainted Space Error 1065

This item will be consumed on use. In doing so, the treat will have immediate permanent effects on the player character, with 2-3 possible changes per use.

Condition Change
  • Ear type not deer
  • Ear type becomes deer
    • Lose all Previous ear flags
    • Gain the following ear flags
      • Furred
    • Ear length becomes 3 inches
  • Tail type not deer
  • Or no tail
  • Tail count becomes 1
  • Tail type becomes Deer
    • Lose all previous tail flags
    • Gain the following tail flags
      • Fluffy
      • Furred
  • Legs have furred flag
  • Leg type isn't deer
  • Fur color isn't brown
  • If Leg type isn't deer
    • Fur color becomes brown
  • Leg type is deer
  • Fur color isn't white-dappled brown
  • Fur color becomes white-dappled brown
  • If no furred flag gain furred flag
  • Leg type isn't deer
  • Or leg count isn't 4
  • Leg count becomes 4
  • Genital position changes to rear legs
  • Fur color becomes brown
  • Leg type becomes deer
    • Lose all previous leg flags
    • Gain the following leg flags
      • Digitigrade
      • Hooves
      • Furred
  • Face type isn't human
  • Face type becomes human
    • Lose all previous face flags
  • Not all penises are Equine
  • Select Penis becomes Equine
    • Lose all previous Penis flags
    • Gain the following penis flags
      • Blunt
      • Flared
      • Sheathed
    • Increase libido by 2
  • Penis is shorter than max growth
    • Max growth is 18 inches and can be increased /decreased by the following
      • Max growth increases by 8 inches with HungPerk
      • Max growth decreases by 8 inches with MiniPerk
      • Max growth increases by 2 inches with Brute SpeechPerk
      • Max growth increases by 1 inch if height greater than 6 feet
      • Max growth increases by 2 inches if height greater than 7 feet
      • Max growth can become up to 31 inches
  • If select penis is equine
    • Increase libido by 1
    • If no MiniPerk 25% chance to
      • increase penis length by 6 inches
    • MiniPerk or 75% chance otherwise to
      • Increase penis length by 1-2 inches
        • +1 additional inch if penis length more than 5 inches less than max growth
  • Not all vaginas are deer vaginas
  • Select vagina becomes deer vagina
    • 1 Clit on creation
    • Color of Black on creation
    • Minimum looseness of 1 on creation
  • Increase libido by 2
  • Height greater than
    • 78 inches with penis and no vagina
    • 75 inches with both vagina and penis
    • 72 inches with vagina and no penis
  • Height decreases by 9-12 inches
  • Has penis
  • And either of the following
    • No horns
    • Non-deer horns
  • Grow antlers
    • Antlers are 8- 12 inches long
    • Antlers have 4- 12 points
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Virection Pill

Base Price12000

Virection was originally developed and marketed by a small company as a phallic enlargement and virility enhancer, but due to a glitch in production it caused some of its consumers to spontaneously grow disfigured penises. In order to survive the subsequent legal action by disgruntled customers it sold the patent to Tamani Corp. They reworked the product and stabilized the glitch so that penile growth became a feature rather than an error. This product is in constant high demand, suffering through many changes in price and name, like CockUp, Penismightier and the BigD.

The microsurgeons and chemicals in this blue pill are advertised to solve a myriad of problems related to male genitalia or a lack thereof. This product will always grow a penis if its consumer lacks one, a feature so potent that it can cause supernumary penis. Otherwise it will increase the length, thickness, or virility.

A Tamani Corp-brand product

Trials In Tainted Space Error #1065


Can be purchased from Busky at Straps on New Texas


This item will be consumed on use. In doing so, the pill will have immediate permanent effects on the player character.

Condition Change
  • No penis
  • Grow a penis matching current race with
    • a length of
      • 6-10 inches with 'Hung' perk
      • 2-3 inches with 'Mini' perk
      • 4 inches otherwise
    • Thickness of
      • 1.2 inches with 'Hung' perk
      • 0.8 inches with 'Mini' perk
      • 1 inch otherwise
  • Has penis(es)
  • Less than 10 Penises
  • 10% chance
  • Increase penis count by 1
    • New penis is a copy of the last penis
  • Has penis(es)
  • At least one penis 4 inches or shorter.
  • Random penis shorter than 4 inches gets it length increased by
    • 2.2 times with 'Hung' perk
    • 1.8 times with 'Mini' perk
    • 2 times otherwise
  • Random penis shorter than 4 inches thickness increases by
    • 1.15 times with 'Hung' perk
    • 1.1 times with 'Mini' perk
    • 1.05 times otherwise
  • Has penis(es)
  • At least one penis between 4-30 inches
  • Random 4-30 inch penis increase length by
    • 3-5 inches with 'Hung' perk
    • 1-2 inches with 'Mini' perk
    • 2-3 inches otherwise
  • Has penis(es)
  • penis(es) greater than 4 inches long
  • Penis with thickness ratio less than 1.8
  • Increase random penisthickness ratio by
    • 0.15 with 'Hung' perk
    • 0.1 with 'Mini' perk
    • 0.05 Otherwise
  • Has penis
  • Penis(es) greater than 4 inches long
  • Cum Quality less than 50
  • Cum Quality increase by 1
Trials In Tainted Space Error 1065
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